Tentacle anal artist_Butcha artist_eroquis censored cum double_penetration meatwall multiple nipple_latch rape tears

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The_Anal_lyzer: Green hair girl is really feeling it now. I love how she's spread out and hanging forward while being double pounded. Her blonde friend better worry about her own situation first lol.

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Shandrial_: Id love to be the brown haired woman on right. Bound, very much impregnated, having my breasts milked and cum running down my throat.

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that1mofo: You are a weird chick Shandrail, in an awesome way... but, damn!

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that1mofo: A Taurus is usually suck an unimaginative lover. I always wondered what would happend if they set that iron clad will and unstoppable drive toward becoming complete Nympho's... guess I found my answer.
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TheWatcher-: damn right you did, shan is a total nympho with awesome stories.
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Dominance: I wish you'd stop with the astrology Mofo, the anger it raises isn't good for my libido.

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Biodeamon: i guess you're a Cancer sign then, hmmm dominance? hahahaha

but taurus is sagitaurus right? cause i'm a sagitaurus.
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Dominance: Sagitarius and Taurus aren't the same thing :)

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that1mofo: This could be a very, very long conversation. OR an interesting excuse for you to go out and buy a book.
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Dominance: I have various books on Astrology, and they all Imply the same thing.

They are all ambiguous and placebos.

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that1mofo: Note to self: 'Never pay attention to Dominances opinion on anything. EVER.'
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Dominance: :'(

All I'm saying is, it has absolutely no repercussions in the real world. It's wishful thinking to believe that somehow the position of the stars and the position of celestial bodies within those stars can change anything?

No. Our personalities are based on experiences; how we were raised, how hard our life was, how we are treated currently, how we think about the world around us. There is no need to use magic to explain that. Ever.

And you may say "Oh but Taurus matches me perfectly" ~ big deal! I was due to be born Cancer, yet I was born Aries yet Aquarius matches me more than either of them. If it worked I may be more open to it, but it doesn't.
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Dominance: And power parts are absolute horse too.

I'm Aries and I may be very intelligent, yet I get pleasure from Taurus's apparent power part more so than I do from my own power part.

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that1mofo: Really? Because Biodeamon was able to guess you were destined to be a Cancer by your additude.

Think of how much the position of the moon has upon us and our enviorment. It alters the tides of the oceans and thus the path of all those living in it or sailing upon it. It fluctuates birth rates, emotional statues, the weather.

Now in the grand scheme of things, the moon is really just so petty and insignificant. It really can't compair to a pattern of stars.

No. Man kind has always looked to the heavens for their destiny, every civilization, every religion, every ethnicity. It's simply un-natural to think our position with in the universe is unrelated to the universe.

Just because your not a Taurus doesn't mean your neck is compeletely numb from pleasure, just as the fact that I'm not a Scorpio doesn't mean I won't enjoy a blow job. Try having your nipples pleasured, Cancer.
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Revenant: Sorry, Dominance is completely correct. Astrology is crap.

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that1mofo: #1 No you're not sorry.
#2 No you're both wrong and I'm right.
#3 Your opinions mean crap to me.
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Dominance: Now that That1mofo's logic and reason has proved us wrong...

The moon has no direct effect on birth rates or definitive emotional states.

Every religion? So Satanism? Buddhism? Taoism? Confucianism?

We have no position other than geographical, there is no grand scheme of things either. And the stars are so far away that their gravity fields are insignificantly weak.

And for the record, I gain no pleasure from my nipples.
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Revenant: You're right, I'm not sorry, but I'm not wrong. It's up to you to prove Astrology has any merit.

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Biodeamon: fuck what kind of a shitstorm did i start?

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Saru: I'm going to comment on this only because I've studied astrology for over 30 yrs now.

I'm not going to even attempt to change any of your minds, but I *am* going to point out egregious errors in your posts.

For starters, just because you are born to one Sun sign does not mean that you will embody EVERY aspect of that sign. You are made up of more than one sign. There are the other planets to consider, the houses they fall in, the aspects they create with each other, etc.

Examples: My Sun Sign is Aries, but my Venus is in Taurus - I tend to have Taurean traits when it comes to what I love. My Mars is in Gemini, I get what I want (Mars) by using my intellect and my communication skills (Gemini).

I could go on, but I'll stop there.

In regard to body parts, you all have it quite wrong. The part of the body that the sign rules is where it is weakest. So, when you get hurt or sick, it tends to be in that area. Aries are known for headaches & sinus infections. Aquarius are known for ankle and knee issues. Capricorn are known for weak bones or teeth.

And in an unrelated bit, the Moon affects us greatly, and anyone who says different has not studied it much at all. Even the police admit that more crimes happen on Full moons, etc. Studies have been done. (again, that has nothing to do with astrology)

Astrology does not pre-determine who you will be - it provides you with a road map (your natal chart) to your full potential & the person you COULD be.

/exits shitstorm
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Dominance: Thank you for clearing up the thing about ruling body parts.

When I said the moon doesn't affect us definitively I meant that it only affects some of us, I certainly don't feel any different on a full moon. Plus we have no idea whether people act differently on a full moon because they've been told that's the norm or because the Moon is genuinely affecting them.

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Shandrial_: Saru - I love it when you post, it's intelligent, pointed, and very mater of fact.

Pounces on and hugs Saru.

Im Taurus/Dragon and I embody a lot of both of those in every way Taurus - grounded, determined - Dragon OCD/Will eat you for lunch when angered but both are very loyal but I have several underlying traits of other signs that are determined by other planets and life experiences.
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TheWatcher-: Saru has just made my head asplode. Such a very strong post!!!
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Revenant: "And in an unrelated bit, the Moon affects us greatly, and anyone who says different has not studied it much at all. Even the police admit that more crimes happen on Full moons, etc. Studies have been done. (again, that has nothing to do with astrology) "

Actually studies have shown the exact opposite. What cops and emergency room personnel experience is called Confirmation Bias. Something crazy happens, they look up, it's a full moon. When crazy things happen on other nights, they ignore that it's not a full moon.
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OrcAttack: Agree with Rev here. Astrology is just a way to have fun. Once you start taking it seriously...
We are a bit off topic here, neh?
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