drool lactation succubus tentacle_rape

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Hanky-Spanky: Ya know, I've heard a lot about how watching lesbian porn could teach us guys a few "pointers"

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Shandrial_: Ya and most guys could use the lessons.
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Raen: i agree, shan. however we must remember that we gals are only better at it cuz the vast majority of us dont have a dick to rely on, so we compensate via other appendages. kinda like a blind person with heightened hearing.

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Biodeamon: well... thanks for the confidence booster ladies :T

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that1mofo: You girls just have homefield advantage, I still put in serious effort.
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TheWatcher-: Get them highly aroused and on the brink of orgasm before you pound them? That's my guess.
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Hanky-Spanky2: Is it the mythical art known as "foreplay" that which you speak of?
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TheWatcher-: most likely.
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Raen: well, most lezzy gals have no choice but to master the delicate art of foreplay (futa being the obvious exception). after all, the fact that almost anything EXCEPT using/taking a dick is generally considered foreplay. the only issue is if one doesnt harmonize with her partner physically, mentally and emotionally, one of two will most likely leave physically unsatisfied and feeling emotionally hollow.

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snow616: this isnt about swords lol but good point bearing in mind that theres good and bad in all things some people are good in bed and some are bad i suppose it just boils down to personal preference hence the saying beauty is in the eye of the beholder or one mans garbage is another mans treasure lol
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Raen: if it's specifically weapons u like, ask shan. i dont remember the image number, but on an image involving some samurai chick and -A- krakken(not to be confused with Krakken, sorry hun) shan commented. she mentioned being highly adept in various martial arts forms. she'd most likely be the resident authority on that. ah, another reason to wanna fuck shan XD like we needed one.

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snow616: lol i was just being funny on the sword thing Raen id rather listen to u talk about lesbian foreplay and fucking Shan anyday ;)
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Raen: heh. if i were to talk to shan about lezzy matters, it would most likely be in the form of a private message... unless she happens to be living in Tacoma, WA. then i'd hafta meet up with her in person to 'demonstrate'. ah, the wonders of being single.

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NowhereWoman: Keep your hands off my Shannie! unless I'm there toooo..

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snow616: ive never spoke to shan i dont think shes been on since ive been here so are u lez Raen or bi as im curious? lol

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snow616: simaltanious posting there nowherewoman but sounds like fun for u 3 ;)
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Raen: one: im bi, prefer women. by a lot. more fun, plus they're not donr after one orgasm.

two: if you n shan want a threesome, NW, i'd LOVE to be your third.

three: i'd like to mention here since this is my third and final comment tonight, that plant rape is the most viable of fantasy trans-species intercourse. it's not too outlandish to think that a plant may use our 'drippings' to say... fertilize seeds, as a base for necter, or simply another source of fluid for survival in dry climates.
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