Eureka_Seven anal nipple_tease pink_hair ripped_clothes tentacle_rape

Blotter updated: 10/13/23 Show/Hide Show All
  • 10/13/23 - NO AI IMAGES
  • 11/15/17 - ABSOLUTELY NO USERS OR IMAGES UNDER 18 :: This includes images set in schools or childrens' cartoons.


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Uploader sporgasbored,
Tags anal Eureka_Seven nipple_tease pink_hair ripped_clothes tentacle_rape
Locked No


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IMAZOMBIE_358: sporgasbored cant do your part by tagging these? i mean..if you did ANY RESEARCH AT ALL...youd find that this image is related to eureka seven.
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Hypotoad: Hey dont be mean to the picture providers!

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Spoze: Tag it yourself then, asshole. Takes less time than bitching to high heaven about it.

Where were you when there was that deluge of Dark Souls content being filed under "monster" and nothing else? Oh right, fucking nowhere. Because not everybody plays Dark Souls like me, and not everybody watches Eureka Seven like you.

You're not the only person on this fucking site.

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Shandrial_: *hugs Spoze.
Well said
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Niveous: @Spoze: Just ignore him. Zombie has proven time and again to be a troll when it comes to tagging. He's part of the "bitching about something but too lazy to do anything about it" crowd.
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Werewolf_Master: heyy woah woah woah woah...woah...Anyone else notice how hot this picture is? or is it just me.... -_-

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Spoze: @Niveous: I'm aware. I even tagged the picture myself just to spite him.
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Archanid: I actually read the Eureka Seven manga, and I didn't even recognize Anemone until Zombie pointed it out.

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sporgasbored: If IMAZOMBIE weren't bitching about something, he wouldn't exist here. He hasn't posted a single image in five years of posting comments.

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Spoze: "Queror ergo sum." I bitch, therefore I am.
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IMAZOMBIE_358: hah...yknow, im gonna do the easiest thing in the world right now.

1. open google images

2. drag this image into the drop area

3. look around for a common tag that seems like where this image came from.

if i tag shit, people get lazy. its a pet peeve of mine, my favorite porn site has THE SHITTIEST TAGGING of all image boards...ESPECIALLY FOR HOW LOW OF AN IMAGE COUNT THIS SITE HAS!

why? all you mass uploaders who dont tag their crap are lazy fuckwads who dont give any shits about whether or not this site turns into a dark, grimey shit hole.
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IMAZOMBIE_358: and no, it wouldnt take less time because if i get started, people will continue to make more work for me, and then i will bitch EVEN MORE about how easy it is to tag and research an image you feel is worthy of being on this image board.
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Werewolf_Master: How about just stop whining? remind me of that other troll that spams unrelated pictures for 2 full pages...
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IMAZOMBIE_358: i would have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to whine about on this site if people would just...tag...their...own...stuff...

you people want me to stop whining? stop being lazy. thats MORE than a fair trade. fuck, people should just not be lazy, yknow. its SO FUCKING EASY to do that. idgaf what job you have or what kind of life you have, if you cannot upload an image and AT LEAST GIVE THE LINK TO THE SITE YOU GOT IT FROM, you shouldnt be uploading it.

it takes what....a maximum of THIRTY SECONDS to tag an image you upload and prevent the AWESOME PICTURE from being lost in the MASSIVE pile/mess of SHIT i dont want to waste time searching through just to get off quick.

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sporgasbored: No, you'd be whining about the quality of the art. You have before. Whining is sort of your thing, your raison d'etre as it were. You are the tentacle rape gadfly, though I'm uncertain how one gets that position, or how you would include it on a resume.
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Niveous: It's not a big enough problem if you aren't going to take the initiative and do something about it. Until then, stop whining. It would help if there was a block button on this site so certain people's comments wouldn't appear. That'd be really nice.
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Niveous: Sorry for the double posting, but I'm curious what the point of tagging even is. I know it's for categorization and for searching, but most of us who visit this site probably do so regularly enough that we only have a page or two maximum (more so on busy days where lots of people are uploading) that are new. If something is particularly nice, we favorite it. I wonder how many people actually take advantage of the tagging system aside from new comers? I'm not saying that the tagging system is useless by any means, I'm just curious.
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Marisa: I normally dont, but i do tag things i upload just for the sake of it...but i never really search for a picture in particular mainly cus i added it to my favorites ;) so i dont have to search it through tags
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Marisa: If i uploaded* i meant to say

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Spoze: Did someone forget they were on their alt account again?

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Mayfield: >cries about people not tagging
>doesn't want to do anything about it
>would make people lazy

Makes sense to me.
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